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Four Wealth-Building Tips for Young People

Leah Rose August 8, 2024

Four Wealth-Building Tips for Young People

Starting your financial journey can be daunting, especially when the advice you encounter often assumes you already have wealth or extensive financial knowledge. As someone who has navigated these waters, here are some actionable tips that are easy to understand and apply.

1. Renting Isn’t Throwing Away Money

Homeownership is often seen as the ultimate goal, but it’s important to recognize the hidden costs that come with it—property taxes, maintenance, and transaction fees, to name a few. Renting can be a financially savvy choice, especially if you’re not ready to settle down. Just be sure to save the money you’re not spending on a mortgage so you can invest it elsewhere.

2. Be Cautious with Investment Fees

When investing, be mindful of the fees involved, as they can impact your returns. Traditional mutual funds often have high fees, around 2% annually, which can eat into your profits.

Consider cost-effective alternatives like ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds) or robo-advisors. ETFs generally have lower fees due to their passive management style.

Robo-advisors are another option to explore. These online platforms use algorithms to manage your investments based on your goals and risk tolerance, often at a fraction of the cost of traditional financial advisors. They provide automated investment management, which includes portfolio creation, rebalancing, and tax optimization, typically at lower fees. Robo-advisors can be a convenient and accessible way to manage your investments with minimal effort and cost.

3. Live Below Your Means

As your income increases, it’s tempting to spend more, but this can lead to lifestyle creep, where your spending grows in tandem with your earnings. Instead, aim to save a portion of every raise or bonus. This approach will help you build wealth and maintain financial security over time.

4. Be Careful Whom You Trust

Not everyone offering financial advice has your best interests at heart. Some advisors are incentivized to sell specific products that might not be right for you. Always do your research and be cautious, whether the advice comes from a professional or a well-meaning friend. Make sure it fits your unique situation.

Wealth-building takes time and consistency. By following these principles, you’ll be well on your way to a strong financial future.

Work With Darcy

Over twenty years of comprehensive experience in direct sales, marketing, and management within the real estate industry. I enjoy entrepreneurial activities creating awesome opportunities for others, building client relationships as well as relationships with business partners and employees.